October 8, 2024
Dara Ladjevardian, CEO, Delphi
The Risks And Benefits Of AI Cloning, Dara Ladjevardian – CEO Delphi
AI is one of the hottest topics in the tech world, with investors pouring billions of dollars into thousands of projects and companies—and no signs of slowing down. It’s predicted that the AI sector will receive another trillion-dollar boost over the next few years.
What if there was a platform that would allow you to clone yourself, to broaden your reach, or interact with someone else’s clone to learn from? Would you do it if you could make money from it? While that might sound like the plot of a dystopian novel, Delphi CEO Dara Ladjevardian, has made it a reality—and anyone can tap into it.
Join me as I talk with Dara and his clone about how AI clones could revolutionize fields like mentorship, teaching, content creation, and more. Listen in as we also unpack entrepreneurship, starting a business with trust, and the future of AI as it becomes a trillion-dollar industry.
Using Clones And Drones To Broaden Our Reach
With the idea of an AI cloning company there comes to mind a lot of use cases, cases like cloning a lost friend or loved one to talk to them again, or even having an AI partner based on your favorite movie character, but the area that is taking off the most right now at Delphi is the educational use cases. previously if you wanted to learn something you’d have to find a YouTube video, read a book, or follow someone on Twitter and hope they answer the questions that you have, but now “a clone is almost a new way of learning,” says Dara. If you wanted to learn Astro-physics, you could pull up a Neil Degrasse Tyson clone and ask him questions to learn at your own pace, if he agreed to be cloned that is.
What Happens When Cloning Hits The Mass Market?
Currently, Delphi is primarily focusing on knowledge-based professionals, and allowing people who have something to teach to create a clone and have it interact with thousands of curious customers. But we wanted to know is cloning something that the average individual will be able to do? Even if they do not have a catalog of books or interviews to teach their clone with. Well, the short answer is yes. One use case for instance is “for legacy and family preservation for their grandkids, for their great-grandkids.” says Dara, another being for people to “Just talk to themselves.”
Building A Platform That Requires Trust
One of the greatest challenges that Dara faced when starting Delphi was getting initial customers. As Dara puts it “we’re pretty much saying, hey, give us all your data, give us your name and likeness, and you’re going to trust us to represent you accurately.” Something many people are, rightfully, scared of doing especially if they have a brand that their customers trust in. So early on there was and still is a major focus ” on the guardrails, the brand, bringing on the right initial people to provide that social proof.” Now, you can go to their website and talk to several leaders, mentors, and many other knowledge-based professionals with any question you may have.