With President Trump sworn into office again, over ½ trillion-dollars of AI infrastructure deals announced with Stargate and DAMAC, and markets up—business leaders and consumers are looking for the best guidance on where to invest in next.
A top FOX Business portfolio manager/panelist and previous Bloomberg Television anchor, Adam Johnson unpacks it all on this episode of The Reboot Chronicles. A sought after investment guru, Adam manages the American Ingenuity Platform at Bullseye Investment Group. Listen in for common sense insights on taking advantage of the “Trump Effect”, where to invest, the state of U.S. competitiveness, and how everyone can navigate change moving forward.
Building A River—Not A Pond
One of the pieces of Adams’ investing strategy that we can all learn something from is the balance between growth and risk. This is a bit of a tricky one as a lot of it comes down to research, which is best done yourself with the aid of experts. Adam’s approach is to pick larger safer companies, your Microsofts and Nvidias, and have those be the higher percentage of your allocations. Then, pick some riskier, smaller businesses that you think will do well, and allocate a smaller percentage of your total investment fund to those. This is where the major piece of advice comes in, when you pick your initial investments, do not let those investments stagnate. As Adam puts it “Just as a pond stagnates when there is no water flowing in and out, a portfolio gets stagnant if no positions are moving in and out…you want a river.”
Time In Market—Not Timing The Market
While uncertainty can make investors back off, Adam offers an optimistic outlook for the years ahead. “If you have any cash, it should be invested in the market right now,” he urges. Adam believes the current shifts in the economy—with strong employment, high-income levels, and consumer-driven growth—present a positive landscape for long-term investment. He points to areas that are growing rapidly including energy, infrastructure, and AI, while also wanting to make sure current and future investors are consistently disciplined in their research and choices. “Think about time in the market, not timing the market,” Adam advises, encouraging consistent investments over time rather than attempting to predict market highs and lows. Predictions sometimes can work out, but there were a lot of predictions made in 2007 that many people will tell you, Adam himself even, sadly did not come to fruition.
For The Next-Gen Of Workers And Leaders
One tip for those of us out there either looking for a career change or looking to start a career, is to think self-reflect on yourself. Instead of just picking a list of the highest-paying jobs, and building your whole life around that, ask yourself “What am I good at? What will I have fun doing?” Strike a balance between something that you are truly passionate about, and something that you can make money doing. Adam even notes that “It’s not the Wall Street Investment banker” who gets the yacht in the Caribbean, it’s “the guy in rural Alabama building a company that consults on bridge construction.”